Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Viasat1's Jigwe Award To Rasheeda "Black Beauty"

In the wake of this "Rasheeda episode", I would want to sincerely register my displeasure and utmost disgust on our parenting and educational  systems and the Ghanaian media.

I think some Ghanaian parents and guardians have miserably failed in bringing up their children and wards in a way that is acceptable and conforms with the norms and culture of our society.

Taking Rasheeda's Facebook video as a case in study, one would like to find out the kind of parenting or guardianship given to our future leaders by parents. As a case in study, was Rasheeda reared or nurtured? I believe the former is the answer. If that's the situation, then I think the parents did not have any business in bringing forth a child onto this earth. Through their irresponsibility, this girl has become a laughing stock, a menace and a subnormal intelligence individual in the society, and if I were they, I would bow down my head in shame. Gone are the days when children were deemed property of the society. Issues like these were nipped at the bud. But, today, some people will jump to the defence of a rot such as this. Some people might argue that, she did this with an ignorant mind. But, this will be misplaced because, she deliberately recorded the video clips in several multitude and posted the best ones on Facebook.

Not to hold brief for the parents and this imbecile, but on a more serious note, our educational system has not helped us in any way in terms of morality. To under score this drift, a subject such as Religious and Moral Education (R.M.E), that has been designed to secure issues of moral aptitude and imbue in the youth good teachings if not religious faith, has in each year, except other subjects, leaked during the B.E.C.E examinations. So, if all this goes on in our educational set up, how can we begrudge a girl who completes J.H.S and can not construct a single sentence in English, not even a simple pronunciation of these two word slang which are associated with lower class native speakers of English and are considered offensive ie, mother and f***er. But, can boast of her prowess in sexual escapades, her mastering and acumen in that act publicly, as a matter of fact, to the whole wide world. If these kinds of products are churned out from our educational system, then it is a serious indictment.

Again, the mainstream media should be blamed squarely for glorifying issues that are unworthy, immoral and acts that have the tendency to corrupt the minds of people especially, the young ones. Look at the kind of programmes that are aired on both public and private TV stations. Programmes that are not in tandem with our traditions. These programmes defile our sense of morality as a people. Telenovelas and movie series that do not represent our culture but consume productive and precious working and learning hours. These outrageous fairy tales are outright snare, subterfuge and grandiosity. These contents do not meet standards elsewhere but they immediately gain currency here. What is wrong with us? From soft pornographic materials to hard core sexual intercourse without editing such scenes. Even on the radio, we have lost our sense of cultural proverbs that are used to cover up explicit statements or sexually suggestive comments. And, these are often done without any cautionary discretion. These have indeed affected our society negatively. Morality is the fabric with which our culture and societal aspirations and inspirations clothes. But, today, can we count the number of sex leaked videos, in circulation, of Ghanaian youth and the so-called celebrities? I believe some names ring bell in your ears.

Social media is not absolutely absorbed from this condemnation in all this. But I think Viasat1 is the worst culprit in relation to this Rasheeda thing and this television station should be condemned in no uncertain terms. They should render unqualified apologies to all Ghanaians, especially, the parents of this girl. How do you award and idolise a useless and senseless Facebook video clip of a hopeless girl such as Rasheeda a.k.a "Black Beauty" adjudged it as "The Most Viral Video of The Year" and even played the said video on a national television and gave her air time to repeat this stupidity. What garbage is this? What message are you sending out to the youth who are very gullible and vulnerable? Do you have this country at heart? Would you have done that if she were your daughter, sister or relation? What a great shame! When human beings are served with dung as dinner, what will the dogs eat? You do this in the name of content and not taking into account the poison you are feeding into the minds of the young ones. I will not be surprised due to your ignominious foolhardiness, if tomorrow this girl is seen as a heroine by her contemporaries and begin to take selfies of themselves and circulating them in social media as she has done. What is the motive behind Viasat1's award to Rasheeda? Making celebrity out of idiocy and mediocrity. Is that what we want? I cannot gather my head around this! You want the youth to take the easy, lazy and crazy way of immorality to fame right! Come to think of it, raining insults and casting aspersions on albinism and you (Viasat1) do not condemn this but rather, condone and celebrate this, then what else do you stand for, as a media house? What a mockery of media practice. You brought this girl all the way from Brong Ahofo to Accra just to grant her interview and give her Ghc 2000.00 at your "Jigwe" awards night for what? For insulting her  ex-boyfriend in a way that brings shame to albinism? Get this right, sensationalism is not journalism. It is outright mendacity, mediocrity and lowering of journalistic standards. I have seen this nauseating video but I vowed not to share or forward it because it does not merit any attention. I understand that business investment is driven by profit as audienceship is driven by content. But, the two are not same. It is not true that audience determines content. If you have a good product/programme market it and it will become the toast of audience and favourite of many. This is better than jumping onto the bandwagon.

I have heard some people make reference to portions of the said video ostensibly to make fun of each other. But I will entreat well meaning people not to share or forward this video or associate themselves with it in anyway so that it will not gain currency. And, to Viasat1 I hope and pray that you will come out and immediately render an unqualified apology to Ghanaians, rescind the award and disassociate yourself with this girl and her video. Thanks!

Naa Gbewaah Sidiq's folder.

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